How To Store Shilajit?

How To Store Shilajit

Shilajit is a black, thick, and tar-like substance, found in mountain regions. It is famous for its positive results against hazardous diseases and health issues. 

It improves the functioning of the body and is available in various forms. However, when a person wants to use Shilajit consistently for the long term to achieve specific results. Storing Shilajit effectively is required. 

This is not possible if you don’t know how to store Shilajit. Because it can lead to ruin the efficiency of this medicine. Shilajit users must also know what are the benefits of Shilajit.

4 Simple Steps To Know How To Store Shilajit

The following are the important steps to store Shilajit medicine properly. 

A Specific Place For Storing

The first step is that you should use a special container for storing your Shilajit, made from glass or wood. With a tight sealer. You should not use plastic containers because their components can mix with Shilajit over time, affecting its quality. 

You should keep Shilajit at room temperature but on hot and sunny days, prefer refrigerating it. It will become hard when it's cold and melts when it's kept in a warmer place. Make sure the room and refrigerator’s temperature is balanced and not too extreme or low. 

Expiry Date And Availability In Different Forms

Secondly, pure shilajit like other medicines also has an expiration date of three years from its production. Shilajit is a natural medicine and cannot go bad even after many years of storing in a glass container. But its shelf life can be reduced, leading to poor efficiency and bad results. 

Shilajit is available in different forms like solid, liquid, Pure Shilajit Resin, and powder. Solid is the most reliable form of Shilajit but can become thick according to the temperature of the room. You may need to add a few drops of water in the liquidy and resin forms of Shilajit. Because they will become dry over time. 

Avoiding Direct Sunlight 

The third step is that you must store your Shilajit in a cool, dry, and dark place. Away from the dangerous rays of sunlight. It can also affect the quality of Shilajit. Your cupboards and kitchen pantries can prove ideal spaces for storing Shilajit. 

Keep Checking For Signs Of Bad Shilajit

The fourth step is that even if you’re not using Shilajit. You should keep checking for signs of damage like bad smell, unknown particles, etc. This way, you can detect the issues in the early stage. And can consult with a healthcare provider if Shilajit is consumable now. While consuming Shilajit from the container, use a wooden spoon rather than a metal one. Because it affects the quality of Shilajit negatively. 

Wrapping Up

To wrap up, how to store Shilajit? When you are consuming Shilajit for any reason. You need to protect and store it properly to avoid negative health issues and concerns. Following some simple steps can help you properly store your Shilajit medicine in any form. And get your required results efficiently. You must know how is shilajit made.